Fabulous Fundraising Efforts
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Mar 24, 2014

Since January, Power Ryde has become the place for Charity Fundraisers. As many of you know, once a month Casey offers a 60-minute SURVIVE Ryde supporting Cincinnati Children's Hospital. So far this year Power Ryde has made over $1100 for Cincy Children's.
Power Ryde has also held fundraisers for local PTO's, churches, and Girls on the Run. This past Sunday Erinn Whitehead taught a sold-out class to many parents and their daughters who run for GOTR. And let me tell you, the laughter that came from within the room was audible down the hall. Those middle school girls (and their parents!) had a ball.
So next time you are trying to fundraise money for a charity or organization, consider having a "party" at Power Ryde!