Who Brought the POWER in August (2019)?

Kim Dippold
August means Back-to-School for many of our clients - moms, dads, students, and all the teacher and faculty members who ryde with us. To celebrate the new school year, we thought what better way than to spotlight one of our awesome ryders who works at Loveland? Put your hands together for Kim Dippold!
Kim has been ryding with us for almost 3 years (10/2016). She came with some of her running buddies as a way to cross train for her marathons and half-marathons. This past Summer Kim started doing our Off the Bike strength classes. Those who were in class with Kim know, she was determined to work her lower half in preparation for her Summer trip to Europe.
It became a running joke every time Kim was in class that we were going to work hard and do A LOT of lower body moves. I'm pretty sure we sent her abroad in the best shape ever...and everyone in class may have been secretly excited for her two week vacation, because it meant a break from the lower body torture {I say this totally sarcastically...kind of...and in good humor!}.
All joking aside, we love having Kim as a client. She always comes in with a smile on her face and leaves with a bigger smile! She is up for anything and loves a good challenge. What more could you ask for in a client? And, she always dominates the challenges! She may feel the burn, but she doesn't waiver or give up; she keeps pushing until the end. We love this about you Kim!
What brought you to Power Ryde?
I first started Power Ryde as a way to cross train for my races (running). The fabulous group of women I run with all did Power Ryde and spoke very highly of it.
Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after? What has kept you coming back for more week after week?
My first ride was a charity ride for Erin Lawry and Breast Cancer. I was scared to give it a try and didn't want to make a fool of myself. I left that class feeling so empowered and addicted. I have been ryding ever since!
You were a regular this summer in our Off the Bike strength classes? What do you like most about these classes?
I love the Off the Bike class because I was able to work muscles I didn't know I had and see muscles I didn't know I could get.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
I have a lot of favorite moments, but one was supporting one of the women going through Breast Cancer. The teacher played Lean on Me for the last song. It made me cry!
What is your favorite music to ryde to?
I love a good 90's theme ryde!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I come from a rural farm town.
What motivates you?
Showing my 3 teenage boys that girls can be tough!
When you are not Power Ryding, what can we find you doing?
Cheering on my 3 boys at Cross Country, working at LPS, and/or reading on my patio.