Who Brought the POWER in December (2019)?

Ellen Cilley and Bob Fasola
Did you partake in our Hustle through the Holidays Competition? If so, you definitely know Ellen and Bob! They both had their eyes on that third place spot and man did they ryde hard until the end.
Ellen was more of a silent competitor; she would come to class, mark her sheet, and be gone. It wasn't until a week or so into the competition that others saw how many classes Ellen had attended and they had their eyes on her!
Bob said from the get-go, he was vying to get third place. He watched Ellen's sheet like a hawk and he was determined to beat her.
In the end, Ellen just barely out-rode Bob, but I have to give it to both of them, they made the competition exciting and fun. They both worked so hard between Thanksgiving and Christmas and their competitiveness not only encouraged one another, but it also inspired others to ryde a little extra during the holidays.
Even now, after the competition, and way before the competition began, Ellen and Bob have been consistent clients who come to class several times throughout the week and always gives everything they have.
Keep reading below to learn more about when these ryders started ryding, why the continue to ryde with us, and some fun stuff like their favorite music to ryde to and what you can find them doing when they are not competing against one another!
What brought you to Power Ryde?
Ellen - Julia Gibson! I had been to other spinning gyms on and off for years and kinda fell off track. I wanted to get back into regular classes, but the classes offered at my gym were not my style. Julia's daughter and my daughter are on the same soccer team and someone told me that I should talk to her since she is an instructor. She had me attend my first class on January 4th, 2019 at 5:30am and I have been hooked ever since!
Bob - I have an old knee injury and was looking for a cardio alternative that was fun. Additionally, my sister, Donna Stines, raved about the classes!
Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after? What has kept you coming back for more week after week?
Ellen - I remember the exact date and time of my first ride. It was after the New Year's and Julia convinced me to attend her 5:30am Friday class. I was experienced in spinning, but definitely not with the RealRyder bikes that moved. They say you get used to the bikes after 3 times. It was more like 5-6 times for me, but it was such a great workout and I felt like I was improving with each class.
Bob - Yes, I was the worst in the class and almost fell off the bike. However, Meg and Casey were extremely supportive and encouraged me that my anxiety was normal.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
Ellen - It is a toss-up between Groundhog Day and my 40th birthday Ryde with Erinn W.
Bob - The Hustle through the Holidays competition has been really fun. It has allowed me to meet a ton of great people at the studio. More importantly, I just love the family atmosphere and sincerity of every instructor.
What is your favorite music to ryde to?
Ellen - Fast-paced music, hip hop, or long heavy hill music.
Bob - I am top forty guy, I suppose.
Tell us a fun fact about your yourself.
Ellen - I graduated from Loveland High School. I played soccer for LHS all four years on varsity. I was much more athletic then! I just married my soulmate on Thanksgiving of last year. He has 2 boys (14 and 11) and I have three girls (5, 8, and 11) so we have 5 kids between the two of us...and no we will NOT be having a 6th. No Brady Bunch here!
Bob - I have been to every state in America, except North Dakota, South Dakota and Alaska.
What goals do you have for 2020?
Ellen - I used to run... a lot. Before I had 3 kiddos of my own. 5ks, 10ks, 15ks, half-marathons, you name it. I would love to get back into running like I used to. And I think PR will get me there because it is great cross-training.
Bob - I would like to continue to grow spiritually and develop a consistent workout routine.
When you are not Power Ryding, what can we find you doing?
Ellen - Our kids are all in sports- select soccer (2 of them), recreational soccer, high school baseball, lacrosse, football, and gymnastics so when I am not at PR, you can usually find me on the sidelines of one of the kid's sporting events.
Bob - I usually am working or spending time with family and friends.