Who Brought the POWER in February (2020)?

Steph Meinberg
My mom and I first met Steph in early 2019 when she came in to write a story for Loveland Lifestyle Magazine on Power Ryde and our fundraising efforts. We spent a lot of time talking about the studio and our awesome community and then we got her on a bike and convinced her to come give it a try. She told us she had been spinning before, but would definitely come take our bikes for a "swing."
Well, fast-forward a couple months, and in June of last year, Steph started ryding with us. She is now a regular in Amy Szitanko's Saturday morning class and FUN FACT, she has only missed 2 Saturday classes since the beginning of October. That's what we call dedication!
Way to go Steph. We love your energy and constant enthusiasm and promotion of Power Ryde! Keep reading more to learn a little bit more about Steph's Power Ryde journey and what has kept her coming back week after week!
What brought you to Power Ryde?
The article I wrote about how Power Ryde gives back to the community (how you ARE a community). I had been going to CycleBar occasionally, but once I learned your story AND saw the bikes, I was hooked (and never once returned to CycleBar again!).
Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after? What has kept you coming back for more week after week?
It was tough. My bum hurt. I was gassed. I was a little frustrated (maybe confused is more accurate) because I couldn't figure out how to keep the darn bike still when we came up off the bike ... was it my arms? Was it balance? Why did my bike keep shaking when everyone else's was still? It was a weird mix of irritation and challenge - I'm coordinated, I'm flexible, what was I missing? I knew if I could figure out the bike, I would love it. Also, worth mentioning, I rode next to Kim my very first ryde - and she was so awesome, inspiring, full of all the right energy and fun just when I thought I couldn't pedal any more. I knew I had to give this another shot. There was just no doubt. And then I found Amy Szitanko's Saturday morning class, I think it was my 2nd or 3rd ryde ever. Her music, her spirit, her style of teaching sealed the deal. I rode on and off late last summer, but it fast became my Saturday morning "thing" - I think I've only missed two weeks since last October (because I was out of town!).
What goals are you hoping to achieve in 2020?
This is a milestone bday year for me - I have pretty bad knees, so now more than ever, being healthy and active (but still low-impact) are soooo important. I'd love to go down a size or two, of course - I'm a slave to my sweet-tooth. I'm also considering a hike in Feb 2021 that would require a pretty significant level of overall muscle and cardio fitness ... nothing is set in stone yet at all. But have I been training (ryding!) since last year just in case? No comment, ha.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
That first time, I think near the end of my 2nd class, that I kept the bike "still" - and I was like "YAAAAASSSS! I've got this!!!" That was the best.
What is your favorite music to ryde to?
ANYTHING that Amy S plays. We both have this thing about the words of a song moving us as much as the actual music. I think a lot of people workout to a kind of trance-like music, where they focus on the beat to keep them going rather than anything in the actual song. That doesn't work for me - I thrive on the ebb and flow of different songs, artists, words. The first time Amy played "Trapped" by Bruce, I know I pushed harder up the hill than I ever had before. So, music with words. Good music, from pretty much any genre or decade.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
That's tough. I've got a few! I got engaged at Bonnaroo. Was captain of the rugby team at Boston College. Blew out both my ACLs skiing (then blew out my meniscus rock climbing). Have seen Phish 22 times. Edited/indexed the cookbooks for Senate and Orchids.
When you are not Power Ryding, what can we find you doing?
Juggling my crazy life as a pilot's wife with my soccer/hockey-playing/rock-climbing 11 year old and our 1 year old dog, plus balancing my full-time job as senior writer at an ad agency with my 2nd full-time job as editor of Loveland Lifestyle ... AND always looking for more time to bake, read and nap.