Who Brought the POWER in January (2020)?

Stephanie and Michael Craig
Since our January Student of the Month will post in February, I wanted to spotlight a hard-working, Power Ryding couple! Steph and Mike instantly came to mind. These two come every Sunday morning and ryde together. Not only do they ryde for 45 minutes, but they always stay for the extra 15-minute POWER HOUR!
Stephanie has ridden in my class numerous times and she's always up for a challenge. When she and Mike ryde together, I love that they push one another. I am pretty sure I've heard Steph yell, "Come on Mike!"
The support and camaraderie between then is amazing and we love that they always come in smiling and leave glowing! ...and, it doesn't hurt that they both have an awesome sense of humor that keep me laughing! Keep reading below to learn more about Steph and Mike and why they choose to ryde with us!
What brought you to Power Ryde?
Steph - Kim Emery!
Mike - Steph.
Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after?
Steph - Uh yeah.
Mike - Yes, I swore I’d never come back. (So glad that didn’t stick.)
What made you come back for more?
Steph - Nicole, Casey, Jen, and Erin. ...Also, Kim insisted.
Mike - The coaches, the playlists, and the sense of family.
What is your favorite thing about ryding with your spouse?
Steph - Smiling at him during our favorite songs.
Mike - She helps keep me motivated.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
Steph - The first time I could make it through a 45-min class without having to sit.
Mike - My first ride with bike shoes when I decided I was really hooked.
What are your goals for 2020?
Steph - 100 rydes.
Mike - Abs.
What is your favorite music to ryde to?
Steph - Heavy rock on heavy hills.
Mike - High energy rock. The unusual covers that Nicole finds are amazing.
Tell us a funny story about the two of you (or about your spouse!).
Well, there’s the time we took a 2 week vacation to Europe, rented a car, and drove through Germany and Italy - all without any mobile phones or GPS, all we had were verbal directions in some places! Seems really funny now ;)