Who Brought the POWER in March/April (2020)?

Audrey and Bill Fitzgerald
I can't believe it has been almost 4 years since Audrey and Bill started Power Ryding, but it has! Audrey was the first to come. She had just started running and was using Power Ryde to cross-train. If my memory is correct, she and Bill ran the Thanksgiving Day 10k that year (2016), Audrey beat Bill, and she said it was because she had been coming to Power Ryde. That December, she brought Bill with her for his first class. You can keep reading below to see what Bill thought of his first Power Ryde class!
Audrey and Bill can't always make the same class times during the week, but they always make time to come ryde together every weekend. They even bring their kids when they are in town for the holidays!
When they aren't Power Ryding, Audrey and Bill still run (I pass them every now and then; I won't tell you who is always in the lead!!) and they travel the world for Bill's job. We love asking Audrey where they are headed next.
Keeping reading below to see what this non-stop couple is up to during Quarantine and what they are most excited to get back to!
What brought you to Power Ryde? Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after? What made you come back for more?
I got off the couch 5 years ago after years of inactivity and started running. I was worried about injury from repeating only one type of exercise, so a friend recommended Power Ryde. One class and I was hooked! A few months later I suggested to Bill that he might enjoy spinning too. I took him to a Sunday class and he was surprised what a strenuous workout it was. He was so exhausted at the end that he needed me to drive us home.
What is your favorite thing about ryding with your spouse?
During the week we are on different schedules - Bill spins before work at 5:30 am, whereas I spin at the much more reasonable hour of 9:30. We love wrapping up the week by spinning together Sunday mornings.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
My favorite Power Ryde moment was on my birthday a couple years ago. Amy Szitanko and I share an East Coast connection, and a love of Madeira’s own Red Sox outfielder, Andrew Benintendi. For my special day, Amy put together a playlist of songs all connected to Boston just for me!
How are you two staying fit during this time?
Now that we can’t visit Power Ryde in person, we are both spending more time on our home fitness equipment and continuing to run outdoors. I love Casey’s Facebook workouts - especially the stretching classes. They don’t replace spinning, but they keep us connected to Power Ryde and they are helping us through the sudden change in our fitness regimens. Bill and I have now replaced our Sunday spin class with Casey's Facebook class.
...And, since Audrey sent me these answers, we rented out our bikes and they rented a bike and have been ryding in our virtual classes!
What are you most excited to get back to, once everything opens up?
Without a doubt, the thing we are looking forward to when things open back up is getting back to Power Ryde!