Who Brought the POWER in September (2019)?

Sara and Mike Yorio and Carly (Yorio) Meurer
The Yorios and newly married, Mrs. Meurer! Where do I even begin?!
First, this family has been ryding with us since 2014! Carly came with her now mother-in-law, Leigh Anne Meurer. Leigh Anne has been a family friend for years and she told us she was bring her son's girlfriend, Carly, to class. I grew up going to school with Leigh Anne's son, so it was cool to meet his girlfriend and get to know her. The next thing we knew, Carly brought her mom, Sara. And then a few months later, Carly's dad, Mike, started ryding with us too!
As a family-run business, we LOVE when families ryde together and share their love for Power Ryde. But the coolest thing about the Yorios is, all three of them come ryde together...EVERY...SINGLE...SATURDAY. Even now that Carly is married, they all still find time to come ryde every Saturday morning at 9:30 with Amy. It's like a family bonding activity and we love that!
Over the years, they have made so many friends at the studio; both clients and instructors. We have even been lucky to celebrate Carly's engagement and marriage along the way. And they are a huge part of what makes the Saturday 9:30 class so fun.
Yorios and Mrs. Meurer, we are so happy for all of you and so lucky to have the three of you as clients!
What brought you to Power Ryde?
After Carly graduated from college, Leigh Anne invited Carly to a class. She fell in love with it instantly! Sara was so intrigued she had to try it. Then Mike had to see what it was all about. He is not a group fitness person but loves Power Ryde!
Do you remember your first ryde and how you felt after? What has kept you coming back for more week after week?
Sara - My first ryde was with Casey! It was rough – but my little bit of competitiveness kicked in and I wasn’t going to give up!
Mike - The cardio challenge is what keeps me coming back.
Carly - My first ryde was hard but I wanted to do it again! And it never gets any easier.
You three come as a family on Saturday mornings. What do you love most about ryding together as a family?
Just being together! A common fitness goal and having shared friends. We really do look forward to seeing everyone when we come.
Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?
Not one moment….The theme rydes are fantastic! Some of the costumes people show up in are amazing. The music always gets us going. And we love the things every instructor does to make class more challenging and fun!
Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
Carly just got married!!
When you are not Power Ryding, what can we find you doing?
Sara – I love to cook and be with my family and dogs!
Mike – Golfing!
Carly – Walking my puppy and following Cincinnati sports!